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Zenki full.png
Zenki half.png
Zenki bust.png
Zenki icon.png
A resurrected soldier far-flung from the future.
Class Striker
Element None
Max HP 475
Max MP 61
ATK 13
DEF 15
SP. ATK 13
SP. DEF 16
SPD 37
Luck 39

Zenki is a playable VTuber of the Striker class and None element.


A soldier with the ability to teleport. Appears to have come from the future, but from how far from the future is unclear.



name description MP cost
Hide Makes the user harder to target. 0
Warm-Up Increases the user's Agility and increases Evasion. 20
Eye Poke Potentially blinds an opponent. 0
Taunt Taunts the opponent team to attack only the user for 3 turns. 0


name description MP cost
Scan Checks for all opponent's elemental weaknesses. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Protect Protects the user from all attacks until the end of the turn. 45
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0
Flare A flare is used to potentially blind all opponents. 0
Point Slash A barrage of slashes that reduces an opponent's Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Armor Fortress Increases a party member's DEF and SP. DEF. 0
Armor Castle Increases the entire party's DEF and SP. DEF. 0
TP Recovery The user uses MP to recover 33 TP. 45

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: YufiMago