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The sun spirit, commanding the fire of words and also literal, actual fire.
Class Caster
Element Fire
Max HP 375
Max MP 150
ATK 16
DEF 13
SP. ATK 23
SP. DEF 20
SPD 22
Luck 18

Yuuto is a playable VTuber of the Caster class and Fire element.


An elemental from the Sun who was sent to Earth by the sun Goddess to learn more about living beings and their ways of interaction. They've taken a liking to mixing audio and now aspire to take the world by storm.



name description MP cost
Spell Charge Greatly increases the user's SP. ATK for 7 turns. 0
Confuse Ray Puts an opponent into a confused state, potentially attacking their own team. 15
Offense Curse Decreases ATK of all opponents. 12
Spell Curse Decreases SP. ATK of all opponents. 12
Paralyze Attempts to paralyze all opponents. 15
Silence Attempts to seal the magic of all opponents. 15
Fire Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Fire-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 50
Gravity Prevents users from evading any attacks, or from Flying. 30
Fire Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. 15


name description MP cost
Slow Movement Decreases all enemies' Agility, lowering their order in the turn sequence. 12
Fire II Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning. 30
Fire III Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning +. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 50
Firestorm Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. 30
Firestorm II Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Burning. 50
Firestorm III Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Burning +. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 75
Meteor Inflicts Fire-type damage on all enemies regardless of DEF. Does not recover after battle. 150
Flame Shield Unfreezes and undrenches an ally in a Flame Shield, reducing damage from Fire/Ice. Increases crit rate. Breakable by Water attacks. Ignored by Ice/Water allies. 32

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Xiaojing1
  • Rig: Wuhezhizhong2
  • Summit Art: bee_hanii