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A cowboy ronin - noteworthy of making a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western culture in his design.
Class Swordhunter
Element Earth
Max HP 400
Max MP 100
ATK 423
DEF 13
SP. ATK 15
SP. DEF 17
SPD 29
Luck 27

Walker is a playable VTuber of the Swordhunter class and Earth element.


A cowboy ronin - noteworthy for making a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western culture in his design. When he combines his strengths in both his katana and pistol, he cannot be outmatched in any duel he seeks to win. A good cowboy, and even more a great friend.



name description MP cost
Pistol Whip Uses a gun's grip to potentially paralyze two opponents. 0
Point Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage, debuffing the opponent's ATK and DEF. 0
Breaker Shot A ranged attack consisting of a barrage of shots to harshly reduce an opponents' DEF. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Slash Attacks all opponents using a bladed weapon. Uses base attack damage. 0
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0


name description MP cost
Stun Shot A ranged attack which shoots at the footing of all opponents, potentially causing them to lose balance. 0
Multi Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 4 times. 0
Rain Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on all opponents 2 times. 0
Disarmer A ranged attack consisting of a barrage of shots to harshly reduce an opponents' ATK. 0
Strong Attack Performs a concentrated base attack on an opponent. 0
Maiden's Stance Performs a super powerful base attack on an opponent. 0
Spin Crash Performs a powerful base attack on all opponents. 0
Strike Raid A ranged attack that uses a weapon to attack an opponent 4 times. Small chance to stun the opponent in any strike. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: maka_nyan_
  • Rig: renaizumi