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A wrestler that's not to be messed with! She combines her killer looks and power to be a powerful adversary!
Class Melee
Element Earth
Max HP 400
Max MP 0
ATK 28
SP. ATK 12
SP. DEF 11
SPD 34
Luck 26

Valerie is a playable VTuber of the Melee class and Earth element.


Valerie Valkyrie is always ready for a challenge. With her unique outfit, looks, and strong fighting spirit, Valerie is able to bring down the house with raw strength and power!



name description MP cost
Thigh Crusher The user locks their opponent into a submissive leg hold, possibly inflicting Paralysis. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
YEET Takes the opponent and throws them with astounding force. 0
Fake-Out Falsely rushes an opponent, inflicting Stun. 0
Bulk Up The user goes bulks up their muscles briefly to greatly buff up their ATK. 0
Valkyrie Cyclone Valkyrie takes off into the air with the opponent in a submissive hold, and crashlands, piercing the opponent's DEF stat. 0


name description MP cost
Sweep Inflicts damage and may cause opponents to lose balance. 0
B2B Piledriver A Belly-to-Back piledriver which catches the opponent on to their back and drives their head and body down to the ground. 0
Backcracker Grabs the opponent by the chin while the user curls their knees into the opponents back, bringing them down. Stuns the opponent. 0
Frog Splash A base attack splash to the ground, but with an elbow to knees body crunch before spreading for impact. 0
Submission Holds and dives an opponent into the ground inflicting Earth-type damage, but also inflicting great recoil damage. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Valerie