Tamago Kinguea

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Tamago Kinguea

Tamago Kinguea full.png

Tamago Kinguea half.png

Tamago Kinguea bust.png

Tamago Kinguea icon.png

An evil hinged goddess holding back their power in order to draw and dance.
Class Caster
Element Light
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Tamago Kinguea is a playable VTuber of the Caster class and Light element.


An evil-hinged goddess holding back their power in order to draw and dance. They are a resident of the Cloud Kingdom, a location high above most altitudes, but still reachable within the lower realms.



name description MP cost
Light Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 20
Light II Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 40
Darkness Inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 20
Darkness II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 40
Magic Rest The user goes to sleep, restoring all health and increasing Max HP. 0
Evasion Dance Makes the user harder to target. 33
Battle Dance Increases a party member's vigor, raising ATK and SP. ATK. 25
Magic Lullaby Potentially puts all opponents to sleep. 0
Gravity Prevents users from evading any attacks, or from Flying. 30


name description MP cost
Light III Greatly inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Darkness III Greatly inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Double Trouble Casts a reduced Haste, allowing an ally to perform one additional action on their next turn. Does not end the user's turn. 10
Sleep Paralysis Inflicts Paralysis if the opponent is asleep. 0
Magical Awa Awa~ Sings a song to charm an opponent. May cause Charm and/or the opponent to attack their own team. 0
Piercing Light One-shots an opponent with an immobilizing light if it lands. Does not recover after battle. OHKO damage is halved on certain opponents. 0
Battle Ballet Increases all party members' vigor, raising ATK and SP. ATK. 55

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Tamago Kinguea