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A gremlin bunbun who has hyperactive tendencies when fully rested.
Class Hunter
Element Light
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Sugoi is a playable VTuber of the Hunter class and Light element.


A bunbun who likes to be hyperactive, but moreso just likes to have fun. Tends to be a bit of a gremlin, but has a large amount of magical energy that needs recharging from time to time.



name description MP cost
Point Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage, debuffing the opponent's ATK and DEF. 0
Multi Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 4 times. 0
Rain Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on all opponents 2 times. 0
Awa Awa~ Sings a song to charm an opponent. May cause Charm and/or the opponent to attack their own team. 0
Happy Feet Increases the user's Agility and Evasion, and allows more actions per turn. Another action can be performed after using this move. 0
Light Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Light-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 60
Quicken Movement Increases an ally's Agility, raising their order in the turn sequence. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Magic Flash Catches an opponent off-guard with a high chance of stopping their movements. 0
Bun Rest The user goes to sleep, restoring all health and greatly increasing ATK. 0


name description MP cost
Warm-Up Increases the user's Agility and increases Evasion. 20
Breaker Shot A ranged attack consisting of a barrage of shots to harshly reduce an opponents' DEF. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Six Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 6 times, requiring the user to recharge after usage. 0
Pistol Whip Uses a gun's grip to potentially paralyze two opponents. 0
Hyper Rush M Stimulates an ally's synapses to multiply base ATK and SP. ATK by 200%, for 2 turns. Reduces HP by 35% per turn. Does not recover after battle. 100
Intimidation Greatly decreases the ATK of one opponent. 25

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: 3756c
  • Rig: Nanae_Lia
  • Summit Art: kyourikiko27