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Once the ballerina of an old music box, left forgotten and broken in an old attic.
Class Support
Element Light
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Sellirina is a playable VTuber of the Support class and Light element.


Sellirina was once the ballerina of an old music box, left forgotten and broken in an old attic. A fairy-godmother-in-training found her one night and fulfilled her wish - to make people smile again.



name description MP cost
Evasion Dance Makes the user harder to target. 33
Battle Dance Increases a party member's vigor, raising ATK and SP. ATK. 25
Guard Waltz Increases a party member's endurance, raising DEF and SP. DEF. 25
Battle Ballet Increases all party members' vigor, raising ATK and SP. ATK. 55
Glass Slippers A ranged attack which shoots glass slippers at two random opponents, lowering DEF and potentially inflicting Bleed and/or Paralysis. 20
Light Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 20
Starlight Inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. 40
Quicken Movement Increases an ally's Agility, raising their order in the turn sequence. Does not end the user's turn. 16


name description MP cost
Light II Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 40
Light III Greatly inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Starlight II Inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. 55
Starlight III Greatly inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 70
Blinding Aura Radiates a bright light on all opponents, with a chance of Blinding them. 20
Swift Wind Raises a party member's evasion by 15%. 12
Swift Wind II Raises a party member's evasion by 25%. 12
Swift Wind III Raises the entire party's evasion by 15%. 12
Magic Lullaby Potentially puts all opponents to sleep. 0
Attract Dance Increases Aggro, luring opponents away from other allies. Does not end the user's turn. 15
Ray Shield Envelops an ally with a Ray Shield that cuts magical damage taken in half, and prevents the user's Scuff Guard from being reduced. Can be broken by Darkness attacks. Does not work on Darkness allies. 48

External links

Avatar credits

  • 3D: Alqmia1