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Saoirse icon.png

An angy bee that isn't afraid of getting into any kind of scraps.
Class Melee
Element None
Max HP 350
Max MP 0
ATK 28
SP. ATK 12
SP. DEF 11
SPD 34
Luck 26

Saoirse is a playable VTuber of the Melee class and None element.


This busy bee loves to be perpetually angy - not to be mixed with being angry, that's completely different. They love a good fight and even love to play fighting games!



name description MP cost
Rising Uppercut Strikes the opponent with a rising punch. May stun the opponent. 0
Sweep Inflicts damage and may cause opponents to lose balance. 0
Interception The user keeps an eye and stances up to intercept attacks toward Low-HP targets. 0
Ice Punch Double jabs the opponent with a cold, crystalized fist. 0
Thunder Punch Double jabs the opponent with an electric fist. 0
Wind Punch Double jabs the opponent with a ranged attack that bends wind into a projectile. 0


name description MP cost
High Kick Inflicts huge damage on all opponents with a sweeping kick. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Strike Training The user goes into training with an ally to buff up their ATK. 0
Block Training The user goes into training with an ally to buff up their DEF. 0
Rage The user intensifies themselves to buff ATK greatly for 2 turns in exchange of greatly debuffing DEF. 0
Encasement The user meditates to buff DEF greatly for 3 turns in exchange of greatly debuffing ATK. 0
Fire Punch Double jabs the opponent with a flaming fist. 0
Water Punch Double jabs the opponent, bending water to the user's will. 0
Earth Punch Double jabs the opponent with a rock-hard fist. 0
Electric Wind God Fist Uppercuts an opponent with an electric fist, highly likely to stun the opponent. Does not end the user's turn. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Anemielle
  • Rig: RotusLotus