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Ren full.png

Ren half.png

Ren bust.png

Appears that he wants to help you during your journey. But something about him seems off.
Class Seer
Element None
Max HP 375
Max MP 150
ATK 16
DEF 13
SP. ATK 23
SP. DEF 20
SPD 22
Luck 18

Ren is a playable VTuber of the Seer class and None element.


A VTuber who appears to be associated with the Summit Challenge somehow. Likes being able to teach, but for some reason has an odd aura about himself.



name description MP cost
Clear Mind Slightly increases the user's TP. 20
Revive Revives a fainted ally with 50% HP. 100
Scan Checks for all opponent's elemental weaknesses. Does not end the user's turn. 0


name description MP cost

External links

Avatar credits

  • Summit Art: iwi