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Raine icon.png
A durable slime carrying both toxic qualities and healing qualities. Versatile in slime reproduction.
Class Support
Element None
Max HP 234
Max MP 156
ATK 13
DEF 12
SP. ATK 14
SP. DEF 15
SPD 48
Luck 32

Raine is a playable VTuber of the Support class and None element.


Having traversed the lands of Rhodes Island and Teyvat, Raine has learned to control great elemental prowess. Using slime whips and gifted regenerative powers from his lapis gem, Raine is able to tank many kinds of hits while staying undamaged.



name description MP cost
Defense Enchant Increases a party member's DEF. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Divine Bless Increases a party member's SP. DEF. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Tsunami Erupts a wave of water that deals defense-piercing Water-type damage on all opponents. Inflicts Drenched. 0
Water Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Drenched. 20
Wave Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. May Drench some opponents. 40
Heal Restores an ally's HP by at least 25%. 24
Heal II Restores an ally's HP by at least 50%. 44
Heal III Restores an ally's HP by at least 75%. 68
Toxic Fog Attempts to Poison all opponents. 0
Slime Barrier Protects an ally from both physical and magical attacks using a slime barrier. 0
Slime Whip Strikes 2 random opponents with a slime tentacle. May inflict Blind. 0


name description MP cost
Heal IV Restores HP for all party members by at least 60%. 100
Cure Cures an ally's status ailments other than Fainted. Will not work on certain ailments. 20
Cure II Cures all allies' status ailments other than Fainted. Will not work on certain ailments. 45
Slime Barrier II Greatly protects an ally from both physical and magical attacks using a slime barrier. 0
Slime Barrier III Protects the party from both physical and magical attacks using a slime barrier. 0
Protect Spell Protects an ally from all attacks until the end of the turn. 45
Protect Spell II Protects the team from all attacks until the end of the turn. 70
Water Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Water-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 50

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: RealKiharii
  • Rig: IamHibachiMan
  • Summit Art: keiishima