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An elemental dragon who strives to uphold the peace that they wish for in this world.
Class Caster
Element Wind
Max HP 375
Max MP 150
ATK 16
SP. ATK 23
SP. DEF 15
SPD 22
Luck 18

Ragnhildr is a playable VTuber of the Caster class and Wind element.


The wind elemental dragon, Ragnhildr Summer seeks peace for the world in which they live in. The other worlds that they are passionate about are literature, and tabletop RPGs, both filled with fantasy and mystical life.



name description MP cost
Fly The user stretches their wings and safely takes flight to avoid damage and counterattack the next turn. 0
Fog Makes the entire party harder to target. 45
Wind Blades Manipulates the wind to form thin blades that strike an opponent twice, potentially causing trickle damage. 0
Wind Dance The user performs a dance of wind, enabling them to hide more easily from opponents while raising SP. ATK. 0
Twister The user casts a tornado which potentially suspends all opponents in the air, causing damage over time. 25
Quicken Movement Increases an ally's Agility, raising their order in the turn sequence. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Wind Inflicts Wind-type damage on an opponent. 20


name description MP cost
Wind II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. 35
Wind III Greatly Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 45
Wind IV Greatly Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent, lowering DEF and SP. DEF. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 3 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Tornado Inflicts Wind-type damage on all opponents. 40
Tornado II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on all opponents. 55
Tornado III Inflicts great Wind-type damage on all opponents. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 70
Protect Protects the user from all attacks until the end of the turn. 45
Protect II Protects the team from all attacks until the end of the turn. 90
Magic Reflect Casts a barrier on the whole team which reflects magic-based attacks for 4 turns. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Sara_hana99
  • Summit Art: shiftillust