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Fighting self-doubt by moonlight, streaming to your heart by daylight!
Class Caster
Element Light
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Olivia is a playable VTuber of the Caster class and Light element.


Wholesomeness. Chaos. A twisted combination creating unpredictably powerful magic. With the power of Olivia, she can conjure powerful offensive spells, to be feared by any opponent.



name description MP cost
Love Beam Uses a double magical beam, inflicting Light-type damage and Charm on an opponent. 70
Glitter Bomb A ranged attack, throwing a bomb of obnoxious glitter, damaging all opponents and very likely to inflict Blind. 0
Hair Bun Grenades A devastating ranged attack which throws the user's hair buns onto two random opponents. Inflicts Burning and Bleed. 90
Tickle Time A base attack which "tickles" two random opponents, inflicting Paralysis. 0
Ray Shield Envelops an ally with a Ray Shield that cuts magical damage taken in half, and prevents the user's Scuff Guard from being reduced. Can be broken by Darkness attacks. Does not work on Darkness allies. 48
Starlight Inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. 40
Starlight II Inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. 55
Starlight III Greatly inflicts Light-type damage on all opponents. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 70
Magic Rest The user goes to sleep, restoring all health and increasing Max HP. 0
Pout The user does a pout, lowering ATK and DEF for all opponents. 30


name description MP cost
Light Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 20
Light II Inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. 40
Light III Greatly inflicts Light-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Magic Burst Inflicts damage on an opponent regardless of Defense. 50
Magic Burst II Inflicts damage on an opponent regardless of Defense. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2. 75
Overburst Inflicts damage on all opponents regardless of Defense. 100
Overburst II Inflicts damage on all opponents regardless of Defense. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2. 150
Magic Reflect Casts a barrier on the whole team which reflects magic-based attacks for 4 turns. 0
Chaos Fog A dark fog which surrounds the opposing party which may cause randomized status effects. 35

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Sara_hana99
  • Summit Art: Oragonrance