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A knight dragon of darkness who accepts any and all challenges that lie in their wake.
Class Defender
Element Darkness
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Nyx is a playable VTuber of the Defender class and Darkness element.


A knight dragon of darkness who accepts any and all challenges. In order to give challengers a fighting chance, he has to -mostly- keep a shirt on...



name description MP cost
Crippling Strike If an opponent is Paralyzed, they become prone to a 1-hit KO. Does not recover after battle. Does not work on certain opponents. 0
Dual Strike Performs two base attacks on one opponent. 0
Battle Cry Rouses all allies' ATK with a loud roaring cry. 40
Wild Slash Performs base attacks on 4 random opponents. 0
Hyper Rush S Stimulates an ally's synapses to multiply base ATK and SP. ATK by 200%. Reduces HP by 35% per turn. Does not recover after battle. 0


name description MP cost
Buster Strike Strikes the opponent with a spiked weapon, possibly inflicting Bleed. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Rage The user intensifies themselves to buff ATK greatly for 2 turns in exchange of greatly debuffing DEF. 0
Encasement The user meditates to buff DEF greatly for 3 turns in exchange of greatly debuffing ATK. 0
Ram Piercer The user uses a horn or two to not only reduce an opponent's Defense, but may also cause Paralysis. 0
Counter Guard Increases Aggro, while allowing the user to harshly counterattack any physical attacks for 3 turns. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: lapynneVT
  • Summit Art: iwi