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The high flyer dragoness - they are flirty as much as they are flighty!
Class Defender
Element Wind
Max HP 600
Max MP 75
ATK 12
DEF 21
SP. ATK 15
SP. DEF 20
SPD 25
Luck 21

Lizzy is a playable VTuber of the Defender class and Wind element.


Elysara holds mastery of high flight with her dragoness wings. She works hard in her passion to entertain others, and is a big fan of retro games, or retro-looking games!



name description MP cost
Fly The user stretches their wings and safely takes flight to avoid damage and counterattack the next turn. 0
Wing Gust The user flaps their wings strongly to remove the opponents ATK and DEF buffs. 0
Windmill Inflicts Wind-type damage on all opponents. 0
Wind Inflicts Wind-type damage on an opponent. 20


name description MP cost
Wind II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. 35
Wind III Greatly Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 45
Swift Guard Automatically protects allies that have less than 25% HP for one turn. 40
Triple Thrust Performs a base attack on a random oppponent three times. 0
Armor Piercer Inflicts damage on all opponents regardless of Defense. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Clear Mind Slightly increases the user's TP. 20
Wild Slash Performs base attacks on 4 random opponents. 0
MP Gift Uses 20% of the user's max MP to restore an ally by 40% of their max MP. Has no effect when self-used. 0
Fire Breath Emits firey breath onto the opponent, potentially burning them. 15
Fire Breath II Exumes great flames, potentially burning the opponent severely. 30

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: @PyonSangSang