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Kina icon.png

A wealth demon who has returned to do what she does best: collect all that glitters and gleams!
Class Striker
Element Darkness
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Kina is a playable VTuber of the Striker class and Darkness element.


Kogane Kina is a demon from the seventh realm. Kina is a demon formed from the will of mortals and takes a different form every time she's reincarnated. Her current incarnation has her possessing a human body, forming a symbiotic relationship with her current host.



name description MP cost
Hide Makes the user harder to target. 0
Dual Strike Performs two base attacks on one opponent. 0
Triple Strike Performs three base attacks among random opponents. 0
Smoke Bomb Potentially blinds all opponents. 0


name description MP cost
Maiden's Stance Performs a super powerful base attack on an opponent. 0
Spin Crash Performs a powerful base attack on all opponents. 0
Point Slash A barrage of slashes that reduces an opponent's Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Fatal Strike The user summons a club to reduce an opponent's HP up to 75% of their remaining HP. Loses power each subsequent turn. Unaffected by Scuff multiplier. Does not recover after battle. 0
Toxic Spikes Potentially poisons all opponents. 0
Shadow Strike The user delivers a powerful ranged attack from the shadows. Deals more damage if the opponent is Blinded, and also if the user is in a Hide state. 0
Strike Raid A ranged attack that uses a weapon to attack an opponent 4 times. Small chance to stun the opponent in any strike. 0
Haste Allows the user an additional action during their turn. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Wind Slash A ranged attack which sends sharp Wind-based cuts against 3 random opponents, piercing defense. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Matsushi_GuMiku
  • Rig: renaizumi, MiyoUmehara