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Kera full.png

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Kera bust.png

Kera icon.png

The last triceratops. A resilient outlier defying the natural line of evolution.
Class Swordfighter
Element Earth
Max HP 300
Max MP 100
ATK 33
DEF 12
SP. ATK 20
SP. DEF 14
SPD 28
Luck 27

Kera is a playable VTuber of the Swordfighter class and Earth element.


The last triceratops on Earth. A resilient outlier defying the natural line of evolution. Wielding versatility in physical defense and countermeasures, Kera is beyond being called an endangered species.



name description MP cost
Spin Crash Performs a powerful base attack on all opponents. 0
Strike Raid A ranged attack that uses a weapon to attack an opponent 4 times. Small chance to stun the opponent in any strike. 0
Earth Stomp Inflicts Earth-Type damage and may cause the opponent to lose balance. 0
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0
Stone Inflicts Earth-type damage on an opponent. 20


name description MP cost
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0
Buster Strike Strikes the opponent with a spiked weapon, possibly inflicting Bleed. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Stone II Inflicts Earth-type damage on an opponent. 35
Stone III Greatly inflicts Earth-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 45
Earthquake Inflicts Earth-type damage on all opponents. 40
Earthquake II Inflicts Earth-type damage on all opponents. 60

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art (2D): graywrabbit
  • Art (3D): shonzo_
  • Rig (2D): graywrabbit