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The last of the dragon princesses. Fierce, yet elegant, with tastebuds that enjoy fox ears.
Class Mage Weapon
Element Darkness
Max HP 450
Max MP 115
ATK 19
DEF 19
SP. ATK 19
SP. DEF 19
SPD 21
Luck 24

Kaida is a playable VTuber of the Mage Weapon class and Darkness element.


Kaida Hime is the last of the old dragon princesses of darkness - while they are of royal descent, they relate to the common folk that likes headpats and box snacks, er, fox snacks.



name description MP cost
Strong Attack Performs a concentrated base attack on an opponent. 0
Double Slap Performs a double base attack on a random opponent. 0
Yell Rouses all allies' fighting spirit and increases ATK. 0
Fly The user stretches their wings and safely takes flight to avoid damage and counterattack the next turn. 0


name description MP cost
Fire Breath II Exumes great flames, potentially burning the opponent severely. 30
Fire Breath III Boasts a great explosive flame on all opponents, potentially burning them. 50
Rawr Using a loud roar, the opponent's ATK is debuffed. 8
Rawr :D Using a mighty roar, the opponent's ATK is greatly debuffed. 16
Darkness Inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 20
Darkness II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 40
Overshadow Inflicts Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 40
Overshadow II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 55
Core Breaker The user pierces the mind and soul of an opponent. Small chance of inflicting Stun. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 60

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: inouecelestech