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Joy full.png
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Joy icon.png
A fire-breathing human/dragon hybrid from the west, with a love for coffee and fighting games.
Class Mage Weapon
Element Fire
Max HP 450
Max MP 115
ATK 19
DEF 19
SP. ATK 19
SP. DEF 19
SPD 21
Luck 30

Joy is a playable VTuber of the Mage Weapon class and Fire element.


A fire-breathing dragon from the west, with a love for coffee and reading. They don't seek to take over the world, but only a local coffee shop known as Starbarks. They are passionate towards those who strive to create great things.



name description MP cost
Fire Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. 15
Fire II Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning. 30
Fire III Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning +. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 50
Fire IV Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. Inflicts Burning+. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 3 upon an elemental weakness. 75
Dual Strike Performs two base attacks on one opponent. 0
Triple Strike Performs three base attacks among random opponents. 0
Haste Allows the user an additional action during their turn. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Turn 13 Doom Causes opponents to be slain in 13 turns. Does not work during boss battles. Does not recover after battle. 0
Rawr Using a loud roar, the opponent's ATK is debuffed. 8
Rawr :D Using a mighty roar, the opponent's ATK is greatly debuffed. 16
Totsugeki Charges full force at the opponent with a random ship anchor, dealing great damage. May inflict Stun. 0
Blood Sword Performs a powerful base attack on all opponents, inflicting Bleed and greatly increasing the user's ATK. 0


name description MP cost
Protect Protects the user from all attacks until the end of the turn. 45
Rawr XD Roars across the field to harshly decrease all opponent's ATK. 35
Dazzle Whip A whip which may inflict Confusion and/or Blind. 0
Tail Whip Slaps swiftly using a tail to lower an opponent's DEF. 0
Maiden's Stance Performs a super powerful base attack on an opponent. 0
Core Breaker The user pierces the mind and soul of an opponent. Small chance of inflicting Stun. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 60

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: inkxia, Sara_hana99
  • Rig: bogiewogi
  • Summit Art: Alwise, shiftillust