Jet Tentako

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Jet Tentako

Jet Tentako full.png

Jet Tentako half.png

Jet Tentako bust.png

Jet Tentako icon.png

A supposed supervillain that seems to be powered by the central... human in the fishbowl core.
Class Defender
Element Water
Max HP 475
Max MP 61
ATK 15
DEF 15
SP. ATK 15
SP. DEF 16
SPD 37
Luck 39

Jet Tentako is a playable VTuber of the Defender class and Water element.


A supposed supervillain that seems to be powered by the central... human in the fishbowl core. They are 100% human, right? Jokes aside, their electric eel gun is nothing to mess around with!



name description MP cost
Falcon Thrust Performs two base attacks on an opponent, moving the user to the start of the queue next turn. 0
Triple Thrust Performs a base attack on a random oppponent three times. 0
Defense Enchant Increases a party member's DEF. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Divine Bless Increases a party member's SP. DEF. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Life Drain Absorbs 120+ HP from an opponent. 13
Water Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Drenched. 20
Bolt Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent. 15


name description MP cost
Water II Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. Inflicts Drenched. Removes Burning. 35
Wave Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. May Drench some opponents. 40
Wave II Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. Removes Burning status and may Drench opponents. 60
Armor Castle Increases the entire party's DEF and SP. DEF. 0
Swift Guard Automatically protects allies that have less than 25% HP for one turn. 40
Armor Piercer Inflicts damage on all opponents regardless of Defense. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Bolt II Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Stun. 30
Bolt III Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent greatly. May inflict Paralysis. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 50
Thunderstorm Inflicts Thunder-type damage on all opponents. 30
Thunderstorm II Inflicts Thunder-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Stun. 50
Counter Guard Increases Aggro, while allowing the user to harshly counterattack any physical attacks for 3 turns. 0
Scald Inflicts Water-type and Fire-type damage on all opponents. Inflicts Drenched and Burning. 35
Block Barrier Generates a barrier which protects an ally's HP from 2 attacks. 64
Block Barrier II Generates a barrier which protects an ally's HP from 4 attacks. 96
Block Barrier III Generates a barrier which protects the entire party's HP from 2 attacks. 112

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Valefor