Info Dealer

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Info Dealer

Info Dealer full.png

Info Dealer half.png

Info Dealer bust.png

Info Dealer icon.png

An info dealer with a network of informants, though on what info you'll have to ask him yourself.
Class Support
Element None
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Info Dealer is a playable VTuber of the Support class and None element.


An info dealer with a network of informants. What kind of info? You'll have to ask him yourself. His skillset in information dealing allow him to point out the weaknesses of their opponents very quickly.



name description MP cost
Hide Makes the user harder to target. 0
Quicken Movement Increases an ally's Agility, raising their order in the turn sequence. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Eye Poke Potentially blinds an opponent. 0
Inspection Checks for all opponent's elemental weaknesses. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Block Barrier Generates a barrier which protects an ally's HP from 2 attacks. 64


name description MP cost
MP Gift Uses 20% of the user's max MP to restore an ally by 40% of their max MP. Has no effect when self-used. 0
Fake-Out Falsely rushes an opponent, inflicting Stun. 0
Vital Detector Detects an opponent's weak points, harshly lowering DEF and SP. DEF. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 55
Electric Silencer Attempts to seal the magic of one opponent. 0
Electric Silencer II Attempts to seal the magic of all opponents. 0
Block Barrier II Generates a barrier which protects an ally's HP from 4 attacks. 96
Block Barrier III Generates a barrier which protects the entire party's HP from 2 attacks. 112
Fatal Protector Generates a barrier which keeps an ally alive from a fatal hit if they had more than 1 HP. 32

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Mosaic Haven
  • Summit Art: keiishima