Imaru Haru

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Imaru Haru
Imaru Haru full.png
Imaru Haru half.png
Imaru Haru bust.png
Imaru Haru icon.png
A faun of considerable strength - don't be deceived by her baby-like appearance!
Class Melee
Element Earth
Max HP 400
Max MP 0
ATK 28
SP. ATK 12
SP. DEF 11
SPD 34
Luck 26

Imaru Haru is a playable VTuber of the Melee class and Earth element.


The faun is a symbol of peace and fertility. Imaru Haru, despite being more on the peaceful side with no preference for fighting, her strength being a goat boomer is still very considerable.



name description MP cost
Defense Curl The user curls their body into a ball-like form, increasing DEF and SP. DEF for 3 turns. 0
Ram Piercer The user uses a horn or two to not only reduce an opponent's Defense, but may also cause Paralysis. 0
Recover Restores the user's HP. 0
Penguin Headbutt Summmons a penguin to headbutt the opponent. Attack power is based on user's current HP. Small chance to confuse the opponent. 0
Haste Allows the user an additional action during their turn. Does not end the user's turn. 0


name description MP cost
Bodyslam Inflicts damage and causes an opponent to lose balance. 0
Sweep Inflicts damage and may cause opponents to lose balance. 0
High Kick Inflicts huge damage on all opponents with a sweeping kick. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Hop Kick Kicks an opponent twice with strong bounce hops, inflicting base attack damage. 0
Happy Feet Increases the user's Agility and Evasion, and allows more actions per turn. Another action can be performed after using this move. 0
Earth Stomp Inflicts Earth-Type damage and may cause the opponent to lose balance. 0
Stampede Inflicts Earth-Type damage, decreasing every opponent's DEF. 0
Earth Punch Double jabs the opponent with a rock-hard fist. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: JulietMornings2
  • Rig: mprincekane
  • Summit Art: Alwise