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A virtual lion idol, who also happens to have excellent marksmanship, despite their graceful appearance.
Class Hunter
Element Fire
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Hazumi is a playable VTuber of the Hunter class and Fire element.


Hazumi Okazaki is a virtual lion idol who goes by the stage name Aileen. They have a very comfy, and sometimes very memey demeanor. Look at them the wrong way, however, and you won't know what hit ya!



name description MP cost
Glass Slippers A ranged attack which shoots glass slippers at two random opponents, lowering DEF and potentially inflicting Bleed and/or Paralysis. 20
Battle Dance Increases a party member's vigor, raising ATK and SP. ATK. 25
Point Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage, debuffing the opponent's ATK and DEF. 0
Six Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 6 times, requiring the user to recharge after usage. 0
Sweep Inflicts damage and may cause opponents to lose balance. 0
High Kick Inflicts huge damage on all opponents with a sweeping kick. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Fire Breath Emits firey breath onto the opponent, potentially burning them. 15
Fire Breath II Exumes great flames, potentially burning the opponent severely. 30
Pistol Whip Uses a gun's grip to potentially paralyze two opponents. 0


name description MP cost
Willpower Rouses the user's fighting spirit and increases ATK and TP. 15
Critical Focus The user hones in on their mind and sinew, briefly honing critical hit ratio. 0
Taunt Taunts the opponent team to attack only the user for 3 turns. 0
Fire Breath III Boasts a great explosive flame on all opponents, potentially burning them. 50

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: kamaniki
  • Rig: nokoyama6