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A kitsune demon youkai (?) from the underworld. Best to leave it at that to prevent a curse...
Class Support
Element Light
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Ginger is a playable VTuber of the Support class and Light element.


A kitsune demon youkai from the underworld. They tend to allure unsuspecting vic--clients in order to sign a soul contract. What happens when you sign it? Only one way to find out, unfortunately...



name description MP cost
Possession Attempts to take control of an opponent, causing them to attack their own team. 0
Possession II Attempts to take control of all opponents, causing them to attack their own team. 0
Darkness Inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 20
Darkness II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 40
Darkness III Greatly inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 60
Fire Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. 15
Fire II Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning. 30
Offense Curse Decreases ATK of all opponents. 12
Defense Curse Decreases DEF of all opponents. 12
Spell Curse Decreases SP. ATK of all opponents. 12
Divine Curse Decreases SP. DEF of all opponents. 12


name description MP cost
Magic Cannon Launches a magic cannonball, inflicting massive damage. 0
Magic Cannon Barrage Launches 3 magic cannonballs at random, inflicting massive damage. Does not recover after battle. 0
Overshadow Inflicts Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 40
Overshadow II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 55
Overshadow III Greatly inflicts Darkness-type damage on all opponents. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 70
Fire III Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning +. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 50
Light Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Light-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 60
Darkness Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Darkness-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 60

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: da3iann