Dr. Frank

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Dr. Frank
Dr. Frank full.png

Dr. Frank half.png
Dr. Frank bust.png
Dr. Frank icon.png

A doctor specializing in some of the most effective healing practices, but very fragile in battle.
Class Support
Element None
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Dr. Frank is a playable VTuber of the Support class and None element.


Owner of Frank's clinic - a doctor specializing in some of the most effective healing practices. However, he's much less durable in battle compared to other healers, so keep him safe as much as possible!



name description MP cost
Heal Restores an ally's HP by at least 25%. 24
Heal II Restores an ally's HP by at least 50%. 44
Heal III Restores an ally's HP by at least 75%. 68
Heal IV Restores HP for all party members by at least 60%. 100
Cure Cures an ally's status ailments other than Fainted. Will not work on certain ailments. 20
Cure II Cures all allies' status ailments other than Fainted. Will not work on certain ailments. 45
Revive Revives a fainted ally with 50% HP. 100
Grand Revive Revives all fainted allies with 50% HP. 225
Warm-Up Increases the user's Agility and increases Evasion. 20


name description MP cost
MP Cost Down Uses regenerative powers to allow MP usage to cost 35% less MP. 30
TP Regen Uses regenerative powers to allow more TP to be restored 15% more than normal. 30
Double Trouble Casts a reduced Haste, allowing an ally to perform one additional action on their next turn. Does not end the user's turn. 10
Meditation Session The user meditates with an ally, removing the ally's standard debuffs. 0
Inspection Checks for all opponent's elemental weaknesses. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Meditation Session II The user meditates with the party, removing the party's standard debuffs. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: fukuro_Miyuki, Necrodeer