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A traverser across fragments and worlds to track and defeat witches.
Class Mage Weapon
Element None
Max HP 450
Max MP 115
ATK 19
DEF 19
SP. ATK 19
SP. DEF 19
SPD 21
Luck 24

Di is a playable VTuber of the Mage Weapon class and None element.


Di. Vignette uses an arsenal of anti-witch weaponry to track witches and take them down. Tends to hop around fragments and worlds in order to get where she needs to, but can get REALLY lost on the way.



name description MP cost
Heal Restores an ally's HP by at least 25%. 24
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0
Willpower Rouses the user's fighting spirit and increases ATK and TP. 15
Intimidation Greatly decreases the ATK of one opponent. 25
Dice Roll Leave luck to heaven - the user rolls a magic D20 that inflicts 150 damage + 10 to 200 damage. 20
Scan Checks for all opponent's elemental weaknesses. Does not end the user's turn. 0
Fire Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. 15
Bolt Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent. 15


name description MP cost
Fire II Inflicts Fire-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Burning. 30
Firestorm Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. 30
Firestorm II Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Burning. 50
Firestorm III Inflicts Fire-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Burning +. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 75
Bolt II Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Stun. 30
Bolt III Inflicts Thunder-type damage on an opponent greatly. May inflict Paralysis. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 50
Thunderstorm Inflicts Thunder-type damage on all opponents. 30
Thunderstorm II Inflicts Thunder-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Stun. 50
Core Breaker The user pierces the mind and soul of an opponent. Small chance of inflicting Stun. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 60
Magic Reflect Casts a barrier on the whole team which reflects magic-based attacks for 4 turns. 0
Dice Roll II The user rolls a barrage of magic D20s at 3 random opponents that inflicts 150 damage + 10 to 200 damage. 70

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Koda, Poribo