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A tiefling and former pirate. Dweller of the deep caves.
Class Hunter
Element Water
Max HP 375
Max MP 150
ATK 16
DEF 13
SP. ATK 28
SP. DEF 20
SPD 22
Luck 18

Dana is a playable VTuber of the Hunter class and Water element.


A tiefling and former pirate. Dweller of deep caves with command over the waters previously once sailed.



name description MP cost
Slash Attacks all opponents using a bladed weapon. Uses base attack damage. 0
Eye Poke Potentially blinds an opponent. 0
Fake-Out Falsely rushes an opponent, inflicting Stun. 0
Rawr Using a loud roar, the opponent's ATK is debuffed. 8
Water Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Drenched. 20


name description MP cost
Water II Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. Inflicts Drenched. Removes Burning. 35
Water III Greatly inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. Inflicts Drenched. Removes Burning. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 55
Wave Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. May Drench some opponents. 40
Wave II Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. Removes Burning status and may Drench opponents. 60
Wave III Greatly inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. Inflicts Drenched. Removes Burning. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 80
Life Drain Absorbs 120+ HP from an opponent. 13
Magic Drain Absorbs MP from an opponent. 0
Flare A flare is used to potentially blind all opponents. 0
Point Slash A barrage of slashes that reduces an opponent's Scuff Guard by 1. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Dana