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Cheez full.png
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Cheez bust.png
Cheez icon.png
A normal average red panda from a Zoo, imbued with magic from a lost gaming device.
Class Striker
Element Earth
Max HP 475
Max MP 61
ATK 16
DEF 11
SP. ATK 13
SP. DEF 12
SPD 56
Luck 39

Cheez is a playable VTuber of the Striker class and Earth element.


A normal average red panda from a Zoo, imbued with magic from a lost gaming device. However, their height stayed constant, scaling in at 2'6" (76.2 cm). Compact, but very evasive and agile!



name description MP cost
Minimize The user shrinks down to miniature size for 3 turns. Increases attack times by 2 and evasion by 45% but reduces Max HP by 55%. 15
Tail Whip Slaps swiftly using a tail to lower an opponent's DEF. 0
Hop Kick Kicks an opponent twice with strong bounce hops, inflicting base attack damage. 0


name description MP cost
Super Fang Reduces an opponent's HP by half of its remaining HP. Unaffected by Scuff multiplier. Damage is reduced to 1/4 on certain opponents. Does not recover after battle. 0
Fake-Out Falsely rushes an opponent, inflicting Stun. 0
Eye Poke Potentially blinds an opponent. 0
Point Slash A barrage of slashes that reduces an opponent's Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Defense Curl The user curls their body into a ball-like form, increasing DEF and SP. DEF for 3 turns. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: squidsista