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The Mage of Mishaps, hailing from another world, mastering her wind magic for all to see.
Class Caster
Element Wind
Max HP 375
Max MP 150
ATK 16
DEF 13
SP. ATK 23
SP. DEF 20
SPD 22
Luck 18

Chartreuse is a playable VTuber of the Caster class and Wind element.


Chartreuse Proxy, known as the Mage of Mishaps, is a student learning the ways of wind magic. As the captain of the Cruz Ship, they continue to venture forth as they also learn the magic of gaming.



name description MP cost
Wind Inflicts Wind-type damage on an opponent. 20
Wind Slash A ranged attack which sends sharp Wind-based cuts against 3 random opponents, piercing defense. 0
Aero Greatly raises a party member's SP. DEF. 12
Quicken Movement Increases an ally's Agility, raising their order in the turn sequence. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Spell Charge Greatly increases the user's SP. ATK for 7 turns. 0
Wind Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Wind-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 50


name description MP cost
Wind II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. 35
Wind III Greatly Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 45
Tornado Inflicts Wind-type damage on all opponents. 40
Tornado II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on all opponents. 55
Tornado III Inflicts great Wind-type damage on all opponents. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 2 upon an elemental weakness. 70
Aero II Greatly raises the entire party's SP. DEF. 34
Aero Shield Envelops an ally in an Aero Shield, reducing damage from Wind/Earth. Increases SP. DEF and Magic Evasion. Breakable by Ice attacks. Does not work on Earth/Ice allies. 32

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: yamiyosakura
  • Design: pureisi
  • Summit Art: Oragonrance