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Bjorn full.png

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Bjorn icon.png

A cartographer and a Viking who hails from a distant land.
Class Defender
Element Earth
Max HP 600
Max MP 75
ATK 13
DEF 21
SP. ATK 15
SP. DEF 20
SPD 25
Luck 21

Bjorn is a playable VTuber of the Defender class and Earth element.


A cartographer and a Viking who hails from a distant land. While demonstrating excellent prowess in combat, he tends to make the occasional meme every now and again.



name description MP cost
Dat Boi A ranged attack inflicting damage on 2 random opponents with Bjorn frogs on unicycles. 40
Swift Guard Automatically protects allies that have less than 25% HP for one turn. 40
Armor Piercer Inflicts damage on all opponents regardless of Defense. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0


name description MP cost
Protect Protects the user from all attacks until the end of the turn. 45
Protect II Protects the team from all attacks until the end of the turn. 90
Armor Fortress Increases a party member's DEF and SP. DEF. 0
Armor Castle Increases the entire party's DEF and SP. DEF. 0
Triple Thrust Performs a base attack on a random oppponent three times. 0
Battle Cry Rouses all allies' ATK with a loud roaring cry. 40
Windmill Inflicts Wind-type damage on all opponents. 0
Wild Slash Performs base attacks on 4 random opponents. 0
Counter Guard Increases Aggro, while allowing the user to harshly counterattack any physical attacks for 3 turns. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: WhatIsItOhMyGod