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Beepy full.png

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Beepy bust.png

Beepy icon.png

A lesser deity most prevalent around the middle ages. At times a bone pharaoh, at others a pirate.
Class Support
Element Wind
Max HP 187
Max MP 125
ATK 13
DEF 12
SP. ATK 14
SP. DEF 15
SPD 48
Luck 32

Beepy is a playable VTuber of the Support class and Wind element.


While they appear humanoid, Beepy's true form is just a collection of space dust. They can summon skeleton armies called "Bonies" which are also space dust projections. They have involved themselves in different points in history.



name description MP cost
Magic Cannon Launches a magic cannonball, inflicting massive damage. 0
Cosmic Power Increases an ally's ATK and SP. ATK. 20
Cosmic Protection Increases an ally's DEF and SP. DEF. 20
Offense Curse Decreases ATK of all opponents. 12
Defense Curse Decreases DEF of all opponents. 12


name description MP cost
Magic Cannon Barrage Launches 3 magic cannonballs at random, inflicting massive damage. Does not recover after battle. 0
TP Conversion Converts TP to restore 35% of an ally's MP. 0
Spell Curse Decreases SP. ATK of all opponents. 12
Divine Curse Decreases SP. DEF of all opponents. 12
Cosmic Power II Greatly increases an ally's ATK and SP. ATK. 30
Cosmic Power III Increases the party's ATK and SP. ATK. 40
Cosmic Protection II Greatly increases an ally's DEF and SP. DEF. 30
Cosmic Protection III Increases the party's DEF and SP. DEF. 40

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: HemlockeStone