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BansheeBoo icon.png

A ghost who absolutely is enamored by a variety of console games and more.
Class Hunter
Element Darkness
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

BansheeBoo is a playable VTuber of the Hunter class and Darkness element.


A gamer ghost, true to his word. Completely unphased from the games he loves, especially ones that were made by Motendow, from Super Smashing Fighters to Monster Gacha Red and Blue.



name description MP cost
Intangibility Allows the user to dodge all attacks for 3 turns. Costs 50% of the user's MP. 0
Song of Silence Sings a song to silence all opponents. May seal the opponent's magic. 0
Petrify Glares at an opponent with a high chance of paralyzing them. 0
Possession Attempts to take control of an opponent, causing them to attack their own team. 0
Breaker Shot A ranged attack consisting of a barrage of shots to harshly reduce an opponents' DEF. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 0
Darkness Inflicts Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 20


name description MP cost
Silence Attempts to seal the magic of all opponents. 15
Intangibility II Allows the party to dodge all attacks for 2 turns. Costs all of the user's MP. 0
Possession II Attempts to take control of all opponents, causing them to attack their own team. 0
Fog Makes the entire party harder to target. 45
Six Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 6 times, requiring the user to recharge after usage. 0
Intimidation Greatly decreases the ATK of one opponent. 25
Scary Face Greatly decreases the DEF of all opponents. 0
Darkness II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on an opponent. 40
Overshadow Inflicts Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 40
Overshadow II Inflicts great Darkness-type damage on all opponents. 55

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Prism