Azura Lapis

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Azura Lapis

Azura Lapis full.png

Azura Lapis half.png

Azura Lapis bust.png

Azura Lapis icon.png

A sky blue stone graced by a Goddess's Tear, who transformed into a humanoid form.
Class Mage Weapon
Element Ice
Max HP ?
Max MP ?
Luck ?

Azura Lapis is a playable VTuber of the Mage Weapon class and Ice element.


A sky blue stone graced by a Goddess's Tear, who transformed into a humanoid form. They wish to overcome their shyness by learning to play all sorts of games.



name description MP cost
Aero Greatly raises a party member's SP. DEF. 12
Dual Attack Performs a base attack on an opponent twice. 0
Gust Slash A magical attack which inflicts Wind-type damage on an opponent. Small chance of stunning the opponent. 25
Water Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Drenched. 20
Water II Inflicts Water-type damage on an opponent. Inflicts Drenched. Removes Burning. 35
Ice Inflicts Ice-type damage on an opponent. Removes Burning. 0
Ice II Inflicts Ice-type damage on an opponent. May inflict Frozen. Removes Burning. 30
Healing Crystals The user dissolves magic crystals which removes all debuffs from an ally. 30


name description MP cost
Maiden's Stance Performs a super powerful base attack on an opponent. 0
Magic Flash Catches an opponent off-guard with a high chance of stopping their movements. 0
Blizzard Inflicts Ice-type damage on all opponents. Removes Burning. 30
Blizzard II Inflicts Ice-type damage on all opponents. May inflict Frozen. Removes Burning. 50
Wave Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. May Drench some opponents. 40
Wave II Inflicts Water-type damage on all opponents. Removes Burning status and may Drench opponents. 60
Aero II Greatly raises the entire party's SP. DEF. 34
Fog Makes the entire party harder to target. 45
Healing Crystals II The user dissolves magic crystals which removes all debuffs from an ally. 30
Core Breaker The user pierces the mind and soul of an opponent. Small chance of inflicting Stun. Reduces their Scuff Guard by 1. 60

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Sapphiresan
  • Rig: Azura Lapis