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AyuuChii full.png
AyuuChii half.png
AyuuChii bust.png
AyuuChii icon.png
A marshmallow goth bunny girl - aggressive as she is protective!
Class Striker
Element Darkness
Max HP 475
Max MP 61
ATK 13
DEF 15
SP. ATK 13
SP. DEF 16
SPD 37
Luck 39

AyuuChii is a playable VTuber of the Striker class and Darkness element.


A murderous(?) marshmallow goth bunny girl. Loves to make others laugh but can get aggressive and overprotective easily. Makes dumb jokes and stabs for a living. Loves sweets!



name description MP cost
Hop Kick Kicks an opponent twice with strong bounce hops, inflicting base attack damage. 0
Happy Feet Increases the user's Agility and Evasion, and allows more actions per turn. Another action can be performed after using this move. 0
Slash Attacks all opponents using a bladed weapon. Uses base attack damage. 0
Alluring Melody Sings a song to charm all opponents. May cause Charm and/or opponents to attack their own team. 0
Hide Makes the user harder to target. 0


name description MP cost
Wild Slash Performs base attacks on 4 random opponents. 0
Eye Poke Potentially blinds an opponent. 0
Warm-Up Increases the user's Agility and increases Evasion. 20
Flare A flare is used to potentially blind all opponents. 0
Point Slash A barrage of slashes that reduces an opponent's Scuff Guard by 1. 0

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Gumae
  • Rig: Kumi0002cm