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A forest guardian that mainly fights with a bow and the powers of nature.
Class Hunter
Element Wind
Max HP 335
Max MP 80
ATK 17
DEF 14
SP. ATK 15
SP. DEF 16
SPD 23
Luck 31

Yoru is a playable VTuber of the Hunter class and Wind element.


After learning that Edakuro, their hometown, was attacked by poachers, they rushed into a storm. After passing out from a near-lightning strike, they became humanoid after being found by green-hooded people named the Forest Guardians.



name description MP cost
Vine Whip A series of Wind-type vines that sprout from the ground, barraging the opponent's entire party. 25
Wind Slash A ranged attack which sends sharp Wind-based cuts against 3 random opponents, piercing defense. 0
Defense Enchant Increases a party member's DEF. Does not end the user's turn. 16
Recover Restores the user's HP. 0
Wind Inflicts Wind-type damage on an opponent. 20


name description MP cost
Magic Drain Absorbs MP from an opponent. 0
Wind II Inflicts great Wind-type damage on an opponent. 35
Point Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage, debuffing the opponent's ATK and DEF. 0
Stun Shot A ranged attack which shoots at the footing of all opponents, potentially causing them to lose balance. 0
Multi Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 4 times. 0
Rain Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on all opponents 2 times. 0
Six Shot A ranged attack which inflicts base attack damage on an opponent 6 times, requiring the user to recharge after usage. 0
Aero Greatly raises a party member's SP. DEF. 12
Aero II Greatly raises the entire party's SP. DEF. 34
Wind Enchant Enchants a weapon to change an ally's base attack to Wind-type for one action. Does not end the user's turn. 50

External links

Avatar credits

  • Art: Yoru Kwagou